Digitise videotape, film and audio - DAMsmart
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Film digitisation

Digitise your film archive and immediately transform it into an asset with new possibilities.

Protect and preserve delicate or damaged film reels, turning them into durable and sharable digital content, ready for the world to see.

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Video digitisation

We digitise virtually all videotape formats into a wide range of file types, including Lossless JPEG2000, MPEG and/or H.264, all tailored to the requirements of your future archive. Work with us to preserve your video collection for the future.

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Audio digitisation

Cassettes, ¼ inch reels, DAT tapes and even CDs deteriorate quickly and playback devices are quickly disappearing. DAMsmart works with you to digitise them, so you can continue sharing your valuable assets.

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DAMsmart is an approved audiovisual digitisation services provider to both the Australian National Film and Sound Archive and the National Archives of Australia.

We digitise, professionaly, safely and with care

Your content is valuable; it’s worth saving and it is worth saving properly. Trusted by some of the region’s most prestigious collection owners through to grassroots archives, our team can help you to digitise your content stored on videotape, audiotape or motion picture film.

We make sure your content is ready to meet the demands of today’s digital world, so you can use it to engage, educate and entertain. Learn more…

Who uses DAMsmart's services?

A snap shot of what we do.

All Formats

We digitise a complete range of videotape, audiotape and motion picture film.

Any Size Collection

Our service is scalable, so we can digitise collections from one film to 100,000 tapes.


A flexible service to meet the needs of any project challenge.

More Experience Than Anyone

The most experienced digitisation agency in Australia. We have the case studies and testimonials to prove it.

Media Revival

We have in-house repair and conservation services to recover ageing or damaged media.

Highest Quality

Our services include complete manual and file-based quality control practices.

Safe and Secure

Your collection is stored and digitised in a purpose built and secure production facility.

Files Fit For Purpose

We deliver multiple file formats to address preservation, production and access needs.

Enterprise Technology

A digitisation platform built with professional broadcast technology following global best practice approaches.

A Professional Team That Cares

Our team are trained AV professionals that are passionate about saving archives.

People we've worked with

Time is running out

The lack of videotape and audiotape playback equipment means that accessing content in your physical collections will be lost in the next 5 to 8 years. By acting now to digitise, you can make sure that your organisation’s commercial and cultural assets are safe. Learn more...

Contact us
MC3 Design