Working with the Library we digitised in excess of 3,800 audio cassettes and reels inline with the TC-04 standard.

Working with SBS we have digitised over 35,000 videotapes including DVCPro, Betacam, 1-inch, MiniDV and DVCAM, delivering back transmission ready files.

Digitised 20,000 magnetic video and audio tapes in just five months to deliver both preservation and access outcomes.

Digitising an indigenous languages archive with 700 items that included audio cassettes, VHS videotape, MiniDV, CDs and 3.5’ floppy discs.

Digitising the content from 80 audio cassette tapes and 12 videotapes to help make the collection available to the community.

Working with the Library we digitised in excess of 3,800 audio cassettes and reels inline with the TC-04 standard.

Working with SBS we have digitised over 35,000 videotapes including DVCPro, Betacam, 1-inch, MiniDV and DVCAM, delivering back transmission ready files.

Digitised 20,000 magnetic video and audio tapes in just five months to deliver both preservation and access outcomes.

Digitising an indigenous languages archive with 700 items that included audio cassettes, VHS videotape, MiniDV, CDs and 3.5’ floppy discs.

Digitising the content from 80 audio cassette tapes and 12 videotapes to help make the collection available to the community.